
Tracey Olkus: As The World Turns

Illustration of grifter Donald Trump selling bibles by Thomcat23
The Grifter. Artwork by Thomcat23, Copyright 2024

Text by Tracey Olkus, Copyright 2024


As The World Turns


Conflict and climate change have brought about unprecedented migration from the Middle East, Africa, and Central America to Europe and the United States. The war in Ukraine , the war in Gaza, Iran , China, the overall normalization of totalitarianism, a growing distaste for western liberal ideals and mounting global antisemitism will undoubtedly have an effect on our elections in November. The global nature of today’s chaos is undeniable.

There are agents of chaos whose  relevance depends on maintaining conflict at any cost. At the top of this list (but not limited to it)are Hamas leadership , Netanyahu, Putin, and our very own Trump.  In my opinion, The Palestinians and the Israelis both have the worst leadership they have ever had. Hamas is a terrorist organization that brutalizes its own people.The leaders of Hamas have become billionaires grifting off the huge amount of foreign aid meant for their struggling people and started a brutal and unwinnable war (not that anyone wins in war). Their only post war plan is more chaos. Netanyahu’s blanket support for West Bank settlements, disregard for the  Palestinian Authority and miscalculation of the tremendous threat from Hamas caused incalculable damage. His attack on the Israeli judicial system brought on a sustained 40 week protest  which has begun again because of his disastrous handling of the war and continued detainment of Israeli hostages. He is facing fraud, bribery and breach of trust charges presently.  His iniquitous actions will see him headed to prison once the war is over. Putin, the puppet master , promises his people a return to the greatness of Imperial Russia. While he has become one of the richest men in the world, the average Russian’s standard of living has gone down. As a distraction he has to put  on a show of expanding the Empire at the grave expense of Ukraine and Russia’s own economy. Meanwhile, killing dissidents within and beyond Russia’s borders and using the Russian military as hired mercenaries in Syria and across Africa. If Trump is a clown show, it’s the John Wayne Gacy type. He has turned the Republican party into a cult of partisan hysteria that seriously threatens the legitimacy of Democratic values and norms. Never before have we had a presidential contender so hell bent on destroying western style liberal democracy with his promise to be a dictator, to jail opponents, to turn back hard won rights,and not just to abandon our European allies but also to encourage attacks from their Russian adversary. 

For these men, these agents of chaos, peace means disappearing into the dustbin of history. They rely on each other’s existence to maintain their own power. Hamas needs Bibi. Bibi needs Hamas. Putin and Trump need each other. And they all need the war in Gaza to rage on.

I  think that all of this is connected to a global rise in totalitarianism that goes beyond these players  .I am starting to believe that the Israeli and Palestinian people are simply pawns being used in an international game of chess where the goal is to extinguish the prevailing ideals of western democracy. This would explain why we are forced to focus on one tragedy and ignore others -like  the hundreds of thousands killed in ongoing wars in Syria and Yemen.The first step in this game is to create a nebulous enemy that serves as a boogieman for both the Right and the Left. The next step is stoking a deep political cynicism leading people  to disenfranchise themselves through apathy. This is where the triangulation of authoritarianism, democracy, and antisemitism comes into play.

In the US we like to break down current events into simplistic story lines where there are easy to differentiate “good actors” and  “bad actors”. The war in Ukraine seemed like an easy narrative;  An average guy (Zellensky) uses Democracy and the power of the vote  to defeat a corrupt oligarch. Then he courageously leads his country in an  existential battle  against a sinister foe who targets unarmed civilians and bombs their schools, hospitals, apartment buildings. The cherry on top is that Zellensky is jewish and the progeny of holocaust survivors.This story spoke to Americans. We love the David vs Goliath, oppressed vs oppressor story. 


Israel’s  predictable extreme response to the savage attacks on October 7th allowed  far right players to flip the script and present Jews worldwide not as David but rather as the monstrous Goliath, the oppressors not the oppressed. The story fits perfectly into old antisemitic tropes of  Jewish world domination and blood libel. And that fast- the Ukraine story disappears and the war in Gaza goes on a never ending news cycle fanning the flames of  ethnic and religious hatred.. . 

 Republicans have been hell bent on eroding if not completely erasing the major tenets of Liberal democracy. American Jews have been solidly aligned with these core values and strongly supportive of the Democratic Party. Republicans needed something to split the jewish vote and neutralize that powerful Democratic support system. Republicans also needed to fathom a spectre that would turn away from the Democratic Party, the very people that stand to gain from those Liberal ideals- namely Progressives, people of color, the LGBTQ community and  young voters in general. Republicans desperately need people to be so thoroughly distracted that they forget about losing their own reproductive rights, they forget about book bans and attacks on the LGBTQ community, they forget about disappearing DEI and voting rights,  they forget about the existential climate change crisis, forget about gun violence ,etc.These things would have to happen in advance of the 2024 presidential election. There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans so a combination of gerrymandering , deflection, and the good ole’ “Divide and conquer” strategy would be  needed to allow the Republicans to snatch power. 

Left leaning Democrats are encouraged through social media and memes to turn their backs on their party. They are encouraged to believe  that all of the candidates are the same ( nothing could be further from the truth). The best scenario is a choice between the lesser of two evils so why bother voting at all . Republicans hope this group can be distracted from the important issues that affect their lives now and into the future.Their anti Israel sentiment has increasingly resembled straightforward antisemitism. And remember Jews embody the essence of Liberal democratic ideals so the left is being swayed to see the center of their own party (not the Republicans) as the enemy.  As we get closer to the election we are seeing printed sings decrying  “Genocide Joe”  -a name that seems to be sprung from the head of Donald Trump himself. 

 T.S. Elliott said , “between the idea and the reality is the shadow”. This is where American Jews are now. Former allies are now hostile – with anti war protestors becoming increasingly supportive of Hamas -even carrying signs that say “Rape Is Resistence”. There have been calls for boycotts of Jewish owned businesses, harassment of jewish students, and vandalism of jewish institutions. Republicans, are trying to capitalize on this. They point to the protestors as a sign that the Democratic party has exiled the Jews. Trump recently made a thinly veiled threat , “liberal Jews voted to destroy America.” (by supporting Democratic candidates and causes) ” Let’s hope you learned from your mistake.”.  Nick Fuentes, the untempered right wing extremist podcaster  who promotes putting the US government under authoritarian “Catholic Taliban rule” did not mince words when he  recently called for the execution of “perfidious Jews” as soon as Trump is re-elected. I never thought I would see anything like this. 

Against all odds, and to my utter surprise, Biden ,on the other hand, has been a great president. Our economy has boomeranged back. The stock market is hot. People are working. Wages have gone up. Restaurants are packed. Manufacturing is returning to the US, Infrastructure is being overhauled. And student debt relief has started to trickle in.  But this is the boring business of the Democratic  legislative process. We are not going to see memes with Pete Buttigieg singing JT’s “Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it”. And I worry that it’s the memes that move people to vote. 

I think that the Democrats are counting on women, black , and LGBTQ  voters to be motivated by the devastating reversal on reproductive rights and  attacks on DEI programs and LGBTQ rights and generally by a concern for the planet. That really should be enough but I don’t think it is. They also think that the average person is paying attention to the fact that things seem to be working well right now. But good news doesn’t sell as fast as bad news. I really hope that the jewish Democratic block stays strong. I really hope that women remember how essential reproductive rights are to every single aspect of their health and wellbeing and how dangerous a Trump presidency would be.  And I really hope  the anti Israel protesters do not hand over their future to an authoritarian by throwing their vote away over this issue.   Apathy could be the critical deciding factor in November. Historically speaking, increased antisemitism comes with an  uptick in conspiracy theories being taken as fact and an easier acceptance of authoritarian rule.  It seems the whole world is trending in this direction.  The entire Arab world is run by dictators. China, Russia and Belarus have brutal  dictators. Poland, Holland, Italy and Turkey now have far right wing governments. France is teetering on the edge. I’m sure I am missing many more here but this cosmic shift has my hair standing on end. And I have never wanted to be completely wrong about anything as I do now.


Stylist Tracey Olkus photographed for The Vixens Series by Tony Ward
Tracey Olkus. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024



For almost two decades, Tracey Olkus  has been transforming faces and elevating styles from her private studio in Philadelphia. Specializing in everything from everyday glam to commercial shoots to TV and film. 

Tracey’s artistic interests extend beyond the chair. With a passion for costuming, she crafts bespoke headdress designs available through commissioned works.  
As the curator of The Performance Salon, Tracey provides a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their talents in an intimate setting. From musicians, to thespians, writers to chefs, The Performance Salon has become a hub for artistic expression with performances that leave audiences mesmerized.
But Tracey’s interests go beyond her professional pursuits . A dedicated patron of the arts and the finer things in life, she enjoys hosting extravagant dinner parties and whimsical camping trips…often simultaneously.
When it is time to escape, Tracey can be found exploring the world, talking to strangers, and collecting stories from every corner of the globe. And along the way, she is most happy to have has amassed an eclectic collection of friends that share her passion for the extraordinary.

Mikel Elam: Today is a New Day

Mixed media artwork by the great Mikel Elam for Tony Ward Studio
Artwork by Mikel Elam, Copyright 2024

Text by Mikel Elam, Copyright 2024


Today is a New Day


Today is a new day . This is part of my studio practice. I try to just keep going and exploring new avenues often. Don’t get me wrong; I use my best judgement as of today. However if I grow; I might even like yesterday’s actions . Although never any regrets. I am only making decisions on what I know at that time.  My core, my foundation are and will always be rooted in positive actions. However, being human is not always constant . We carry baggage and pain.  We also carry wonderful moments. I’ve learned if I am about to be negative in emotions I should stop – and take a deep breath, give thanks to The Divine for my existence and then whatever it was I was feeling will fade. I use art as a metaphor for life. Perhaps as a visual artist I recognize this as a gift and my unique connection to the universe . We all have gifts and shifting times is inevitable. Today is a new day.

About The Artist: Mikel Elam was born in Philadelphia. He attended the University of the Arts receiving his BFA in painting. He also attended the School of the Visual Arts in New York. He has been showing his paintings in numerous gallery spaces nationally and internationally for the last 25 years. Mikel recently exhibited his work at the University of Pennsylvania’s, Annenberg School of Communications.

To learn more about Mikel Elam’s art work, link here

Technology: VR and Shadow Boxing

A woman standing in a Paris park at night with shorts and fishnet stockings wearing VR glasses while shadowboxing
Shadow Boxing. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Virtual Reality and Shadow Boxing


Photography and Set Design: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Creative Direction: KVaughn

Lighting Assistant: Anthony Colagreco


In recent years, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has made significant strides in revolutionizing the way we approach exercise and fitness. One particularly exciting application of VR in this realm is the development of boxing programs designed to provide users with engaging and effective workouts. As of the latest information available, VR headsets equipped with immersive boxing simulations offer users a dynamic and entertaining way to improve cardiovascular health, enhance agility, and build strength.

The latest VR headsets boast advancements in display resolution, refresh rates, and tracking accuracy, providing users with a highly immersive and realistic experience. With improved ergonomics and comfort features, these headsets ensure that users can engage in extended workout sessions without discomfort or fatigue. Additionally, the integration of motion tracking technology enables precise and responsive gameplay, allowing users to execute punches, blocks, and dodges with fluidity and accuracy.

In terms of boxing programs specifically, developers have introduced a variety of VR experiences tailored to different fitness levels and preferences. Whether users are looking for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, skill-based drills, or immersive boxing simulations, there is a diverse range of programs available to cater to their needs. These programs often incorporate gamification elements, such as leaderboards, achievements, and progress tracking, to motivate users and enhance their overall experience.

One notable aspect of VR boxing programs is their ability to simulate real-world training scenarios and environments. Users can spar with virtual opponents of varying difficulty levels, practice combinations on punching bags, or engage in shadowboxing routines in immersive virtual arenas. The dynamic nature of these simulations keeps users challenged and engaged, making workouts more enjoyable and effective.

Moreover, VR boxing programs offer a level of accessibility and convenience that traditional gym settings may lack. Users can engage in workouts from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating barriers such as travel time, gym memberships, or equipment availability. This accessibility makes VR boxing programs particularly appealing to individuals with busy schedules or those who prefer exercising in a private environment.

In addition to physical benefits, VR boxing programs also offer mental and emotional rewards. The immersive nature of VR experiences allows users to escape from their surroundings and immerse themselves fully in the workout, reducing stress and increasing mindfulness. Furthermore, the sense of achievement and progression gained from mastering new skills or achieving fitness goals can boost confidence and self-esteem.

Overall, the latest developments in VR headsets and boxing programs for exercise represent an exciting frontier in fitness technology. With their combination of immersive gameplay, dynamic workouts, and accessibility, VR boxing programs have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach fitness and exercise, making workouts more engaging, effective, and enjoyable for users of all ages and fitness levels.


A woman standing in a Paris park at night with shorts and fishnet stockings wearing VR glasses
Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Tracey Olkus: Behind The Scenes


Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2024


Tracey Olkus:Behind The Scenes


Tracey Olkus and I have known each other for decades.  Philly is a small town amongst creatives.  We worked together on shoots over the years as she is one of the best hair stylists in Philly, but I never had a chance to photograph her as a subject, for years I only worked with her like any other colleague in the Arts. Tracey always had this allure but shy in a way or so it seemed. Last year I invited her up to my new studio in Elkins Park to assist on a shoot and I also invited her to attend a party at my house during the summer. That’s when it finally clicked that I wanted to photograph her for The Vixens Series.  The time was ripe.

After several back and forth communications, she agreed and noted that she had never been photographed by a professional photographer before.  I felt honored and I think she cherished the moment. So the process began.  I asked Tracey to put some fashion together from her wardrobe and explained the process of how I work with creative director, KVaughn. They too have known each other for decades so communicating  by Zoom was easy and so began our team’s creative journey.  There would be four to five changes within a two hour shoot schedule.  My lighting assistant, Anthony Colagreco was working the lights. Fortunately for us, Tracey had lots of interesting costumes that KVaughn curated and molded into the style in which the series has become known. KV especially knows I have a thing for hats. Tracey is also a headdress maker. A creative match made in heaven and the pictures are always the result.

Tracey indicated on the eve of her sitting that she was a little nervous.  That to me usually indicates the person that I am photographing is fully immersed in the creative outcome, which through my experience tends to lead to a positive result.  I simply assured her she was in good hands.



To be cast for The Vixen Series contact:

To access The Vixens Series gallery link here

Unveiling Your Professional Brand: The Art of the Portrait

Unveiling Your Professional Brand: The Art of The Portrait


Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2024


In today’s digital age, first impressions are often made through the lens of a camera. A professional portrait serves as a powerful tool to convey your personal brand, establishing credibility and leaving a lasting impact on potential clients or employers. However, achieving that perfect shot requires more than just a quick snapshot – it’s an investment in your professional image. So, what can you expect when you invest in a professional portrait session with Tony Ward Studio?

Firstly, you can anticipate working with a skilled team who understands the nuances of capturing the essence of your personality and profession. Our experts possess a keen eye for lighting, angles, and composition, ensuring that your portrait radiates confidence and authenticity. We will guide you through the process, offering direction on posing, expressions, and wardrobe choices that best complement your desired image.

In addition to the photographer’s expertise, you’ll have access to a professional studio setting. Tony Ward’s newly constructed studio is designed to create carefully curated lighting and backdrops that align with your personal brand. From voluminous cloud backdrops like the one used for influencer Katie Kerl’s  portrait, or to more creative environmental settings like the studios recent creation of a set depicting a French garden at night in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background, Tony Ward Studio provides a controlled environment to capture your ideal look.

Influencer Katie Kerl and writer for Tony Ward Studio has new headshot taken
Katie Kerl. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Moreover, a professional portrait session may include a comprehensive styling consultation with our in house creative director, KVaughn. Whether you require assistance with hair and makeup or need guidance on selecting the right attire, our team will ensure that every detail is thoughtfully considered to enhance your overall look and appearance.

Once the session is complete, you can expect a selection of high-quality, retouched images to choose from. A veteran photographer like myself understands the importance of post-production editing, meticulously refining each shot to achieve a polished and powerful result. This attention to detail ensures that your final portrait portrays you at your best, showcasing your confidence and professionalism.

Investing in a professional portrait is an investment in your personal brand, career aspirations and your acquiring a piece of fine art. While the cost may vary depending on your needs,  the benefits of a well executed portrait is invaluable. It’s an opportunity to create a lasting first impression, establish credibility, and present yourself as a competent and trustworthy professional in a visually driven world.

Our Team Work page

Call us to discuss your next portrait session or for additional services we may offer: 267-475-0828.