Lileet_Miriam: Work is Work Isn’t It?


Text by Lileet_Miriam, Copyright 2024

Photography by Tony Ward,Copyright 2024

Styling by KVaughn


Work is Work, Isn’t It?

The concept, by design, is meant to be transactional. An even exchange. You provide “x” set of skills for a particular field so therefore you should be paid “y” in return, right? The good ole “employer/employee relationship.” But, what happens when you are both the employer/employee that must rely upon a third party (cash app, social media platform, or even a reputable banking institution) that is designed, let alone meant to provide you with the steady income you worked for only to be told in return, sometimes without warning, “no, we can’t provide you with your hard earned money because THESE set of skills you possess, we actually frown upon.” Welcome to the constant struggle of the current sex worker.

As The New York Times reported in November of 2023, “workers in sex-related industries – whether creating online content, or working in a strip club or even a legal brothel, – often risk their safety and face social and employment discrimination. But a lesser-known struggle is that it’s often difficult to maintain a basic bank account and other financial relationships that most people take for granted.” The ability to maintain a business bank account, a line of credit, or to generally use the financial services of banking institutions or service providers like Zelle or Venmo, are essential to commercial undertaking. In the life of a small business operator, that quickly bleeds into one’s personal life and ability to perform basic economic functions like use a checking account, obtain a mortgage, or even keep a credit card. Unfortunately, for many sex workers, who are disproportionally women, these basic rights are denied, forcing them into a continuous cycle of financial instability and hardship. 

Whether driven by moral condemnation or financial risk assessment, too often women involved in sexually explicit work find their access to banking institutions and financial service providers denied. According to a May 2023 report from the Free Speech Coalition, nearly 40% of workers in the adult sex industry have experienced account closures and denials of service in this past year alone. 

Some of the dangers are clear. The inability to access financial services and banking causes significant financial instability and prevents the creation of new businesses and wealth. This cycle in turn forces workers in the adult sex industry to depend on less reliable third parties or operate through the use of far less secure payment methods like cash and cryptocurrency. The negative impact far transcends the business end of the operation for most small business operators. Lack of credit and easily documented income can quickly have a negative impact on one’s personal credit, impacting the very basic needs of modern life. 

Work is work, except for when a bank decides that it is not the type of work that one should be doing. Then work becomes an arduous journey to secure a glimpse of financial security. For many women, who comprise a significant sector of modern adult sex work, this has become a reality which often compromises their ability to work for a living. 


Antoinette. AKA Scorpiana: You Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup

Beautiful tall black woman models a KVaughn couture jacket photographed by Tony Ward Copyright 2024
Antoinette. AKA Scorpiana. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Text by Antoinette, AKA Scorpiana


You Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup


You cannot pour from an empty cup. 

This was the single best piece of parenting and life advice I have ever received and my continuous reminder to take care of myself. Navigating multiple polyamorous partnerships requires a lot of time and effort but those relationships continuously fill my cup. It was thru one of those relationships that I was introduced to rope bondage, and with it a whole new world in the BDSM community.

Chinese woman hanging upside down in bondage in her bedroom
Savanna. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024. Rope Work by Scorpiana.

Rope spoke to me in a way nothing had previously. The artistry, the physical challenge, the emotional connection it can foster. Being restrained was the first time in my life I could turn my brain off and just be in the moment, in my body. Learning to tie others was the most fantastic puzzle that continues to challenge me physically and mentally years later. It is a rare situation where I have never gotten bored, and boredom is ever present in my life as a human with ADHD. Balancing my kink life with my vanilla life as a working mother of two kids has me literally and figuratively pulled in multiple directions every day. Yet it is thru rope that I keep my cup full for the rest of the things in my life. Rope bondage has provided a unique emotionally connective experience with friends and partners alike. It is an expression of my creativity and an artistic outlet unlike any other.

closeup bondage photo of woman's butt
 Tony Ward for KVaughn Scarves, Copyright 2024. 

Sculpture with the human body, a transient dynamic living piece of art. Expanding access to rope bondage for those who are traditionally not included due to body size and ability is this intersection between my professional life as a physical therapist and my personal life as a rigger that allows me to share my love of learning and teaching with other marginalized groups. Tying others, and being tied, has been a source of joy that has kept me happy and grounded and better able to show up in all other aspects of my life; as a parent, as a partner, and as a physical therapist. 


Beautiful tall black woman models a KVaughn couture coat photographed by Tony Ward Copyright 2024
Antoinette. AKA Scorpiana. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Behind The Scenes: March Cover Shoot 2024

Text by Tony Ward


BTS: Steve Feldman, Copyright 2024


I first learned about Lileet and her modeling interests when she started following me on Instagram. After looking over her IG @lileet_miriam  I followed her back. Not long after the initial contact I decided to invite her to be photographed for The Vixen’s Series. Her response was brimming with enthusiasm and eager to set up a shoot date. She mentioned that she was going to be in Philadelphia for a party with her husband on 2-24-24. I thought that was a lucky number and suggested that we figure a way to shoot on that day before she went to the party. We settled on “the lucky date” and that she would be arriving at around 10:30am for hair & Makeup and to meet with KVaughn, creative director to discuss the photographic styling  and flow of the two hour shoot.

The husband and wife of 12 years (impressive by most standards these days) took the 2 hour ride from their home in New York only to arrive a little early. I already had the coffee on and some snacks, but I didn’t expect a request for champagne.  I guess Lileet and her husband knew this would be day worth celebrating. So I ran off to the nearby state store for a couple of bottles of Corbel.  Bottles  were popped and the mood was set.  The champagne was finished by the end of the shoot. Everybody was in a good mood.  KVaughn directed  Tara through a medley of costume changes including personal items from her wardrobe like the corsets she loves to wear mixed in with some of KVaughn most eye popping fabrics. For the  grand crescendo, KV would paste on blue costume jewels over her Tara’s spectacular naked torso! That was a tough shot to frame, just kidding!!



Relaxing after the shoot. Photo: KVaughn

From Palace to Circus Tent: The Trumpian Odyssey and the Turkish Proverb

AI generated image of Mar-a-Lago.
AI generated illustration of Mar-a-Lago.

Text by ChatGBT


Illustration by Dall-E

In the annals of political history, the rise and fall of leaders often mirror the wisdom encapsulated in ancient proverbs. The Turkish proverb, “When a clown moves into a palace, the clown doesn’t become a king. The palace turns into a circus,” seems eerily prophetic in the context of the tumultuous tenure of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. This essay aims to dissect the applicability of this age-old adage to Trump’s presidency, marked by controversy, division, and a unique blend of political showmanship.

The Clown in the Palace:

Donald Trump’s entry into the political arena was unconventional, to say the least. A businessman and reality TV star, his campaign rhetoric and demeanor stood in stark contrast to the polished and measured approach traditionally associated with presidential candidates. As the proverb suggests, Trump did not transform into a conventional “king” upon assuming office. Instead, the White House witnessed an unprecedented transformation into a political circus, replete with sensationalism, bombastic tweets, and an unapologetic disregard for established norms.

The Circus Unleashed:

From the outset, Trump’s presidency bore the hallmarks of a spectacle. His unfiltered communication style on social media became a defining feature, often overshadowing policy discussions. Tweets served as his preferred mode of communication, bypassing traditional channels and capturing the attention of both supporters and detractors alike. The White House, once a symbol of gravitas and diplomacy, transformed into a stage for a reality TV show where the leader of the free world played the role of a provocateur-in-chief.

One of the key aspects of the proverb is the idea that the clown does not become a king. In Trump’s case, his presidency was characterized by an unconventional and often chaotic leadership style. Rather than conforming to the traditional image of a presidential figure, he reveled in disruption, upending established norms in favor of a more confrontational approach. The result was a divided nation, where supporters lauded his authenticity, while critics decried his lack of decorum and diplomatic finesse.

The Palace in Disarray:

The Turkish proverb also implies that the palace, once a symbol of order and authority, descends into chaos with the entry of the clown. In the case of Trump, the chaos manifested in numerous ways. His administration witnessed high-profile resignations, internal power struggles, and a revolving door of key personnel. Policy decisions often seemed impulsive, driven more by the president’s whims than a coherent long-term strategy.

The circus atmosphere extended beyond the confines of the White House, permeating international relations and diplomatic engagements. Traditional alliances were tested, and global institutions were treated with skepticism. The palace, which once stood as a beacon of stability, found itself navigating treacherous waters as the circus of Trumpian politics unfolded on the global stage.

Impeachment and Legal Challenges:

The proverb’s reference to a clown moving into a palace not becoming a king finds resonance in the context of Trump’s impeachment proceedings. Impeached twice by the House of Representatives, Trump faced accusations of abuse of power, obstruction of Congress, and incitement of insurrection. The impeachment trials, while not resulting in conviction, underscored the tumultuous nature of his presidency and the erosion of the traditional dignity associated with the presidential office.

The legal challenges did not end with impeachment. The proverb’s allusion to a clown in the palace turning it into a circus is further exemplified by the numerous legal battles Trump faced post-presidency. From tax evasion investigations to allegations of financial misconduct, the former president found himself entangled in legal troubles, reinforcing the perception of a leader who, far from becoming a king, left a trail of legal controversies in his wake.

The Legacy of the Circus:

As the Trump era came to a close, the aftermath revealed a nation deeply divided and a political landscape forever altered. The proverb’s warning against the transformation of a palace into a circus serves as a cautionary tale for future leaders and citizens alike. The circus atmosphere introduced during Trump’s presidency left an indelible mark on American politics, raising questions about the durability of democratic institutions and the role of personality in shaping political discourse.

The Turkish proverb encapsulates the idea that the entrance of a clown into a position of power does not elevate the clown but rather transforms the once-stately palace into a circus. In the case of Donald Trump, his presidency challenged established norms, reshaped political discourse, and left a lasting impact on the American political landscape. Whether viewed through the lens of impeachment, legal challenges, or the divisive rhetoric that characterized his time in office, the Turkish proverb offers a poignant reflection on the Trumpian odyssey and its implications for the future of American democracy.

Alexei Navalny: The Silencing of a Dissident

Illustration of martyred Russian dissident Alexei Navalny by Thomcat23
Alexei Navalny. Artwork by Thomcat23. Copyright 2024

Text by


Alexei Navalny: The Silencing of a Dissident


Edited by Tony Ward


The sudden death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny while imprisoned in a penal colony has sent shockwaves around the world. Navalny’s wife has accused the Russian government of murdering the prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin. While the details are still emerging, there are several plausible reasons why the Kremlin may have wanted Navalny dead.

First and foremost, Navalny posed a political threat to Putin’s autocratic rule. As Russia’s most prominent opposition activist, Navalny uncovered high-level corruption and mobilized mass protests against the Putin regime. His imprisonment on trumped-up charges last year was widely seen as an attempt to silence him. But even from behind bars, Navalny remained a vocal critic, accusing Putin of amassing illicit wealth and calling for free and fair elections. His very existence challenged the authoritarian status quo.

Second, Navalny’s murder eliminates a potential future challenger to Putin. Recent constitutional changes allow Putin to stay in power until 2036, but Navalny made no secret of his own presidential ambitions. As a charismatic, anti-corruption campaigner with a large youth following, Navalny was seen by many as the one figure capable of ending Putin’s decades-long dominance. Taking him off the political chessboard removes a significant obstacle to Putin clinging to power indefinitely.

Additionally, Navalny’s death sends an ominous warning to other opposition voices inside Russia. The brazen killing of the country’s top dissident in state custody demonstrates the extremes to which Putin will go to maintain control and crush dissent. Other activists may now think twice before speaking out, wary of meeting a similar fate. The silencing of Navalny is aimed at consolidating the Kremlin’s authoritarian grip on power.

While Putin denies any involvement in Navalny’s death, it fits with a long history of political murders under his watch. From high-profile defectors to investigative journalists, many of the president’s ardent critics have turned up dead under suspicious circumstances. Navalny himself was poisoned with a nerve agent in 2020 in an assassination attempt he blames on Putin. A state-sanctioned killing is certainly within the Russian security apparatus’s capabilities.

The full truth likely won’t emerge anytime soon, as the Kremlin moves swiftly to suppress an independent investigation. But the timing and circumstances of Navalny’s sudden demise raise serious questions about the Russian government’s culpability. By lethally silencing an opponent, Putin snuffs out a force for reform – and democracy itself becomes the next casualty.