Poetry by A. H. Scott, Copyright 2018
In the swirling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, an old adage from another place and time is ever so true. Follow the money! Or, in this case, follow the ruble. If all roads lead to Russian infusion of cash into the family business of Donald Trump, then we gotta’ “Follow the Ruble Road”.
Farmgirl of yesterday was blessed with Glinda the Good Witch
Citizenry of today is damned with the Son a Twitch
His are the seeds of sorrow he sowed
Follow the rule Road
Follow the ruble Road
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow The ruble Road
Back in the day of Woodward and Bernstein, they showed us the way
This time, instead of the eagle, the bear leads the way
Scion of the Don explained it in 2008
All roads lead that a’ way
When in doubt, ruble will keep the kingdom afloat
Transparency be damned, for secrecy is the cloak of our clan
Emolument won’t dent our style, as we smile our way down that finely paid road
What part of being brought and paid for is misunderstood?
Collusion aint what it was or be
It’s just business that he done did
If ever there’s a road that has to be saved, it’s the one that rubles paid
Teller’s window in the banks of the states were closed to Son of a Twitch
Bankruptcy is such a sad affair
Yet, he had many, there and there and there
Gotta keep up the appearance of being a Golden Boy, even when the source of his funding makes him turn coy
Oh, boy, oh boy, how the ruble has turned
Since he reads no books, from history he has never attempted to learn
So, when Mueller comes for him, the afterglow of the bear will be the greatest burn
Road’s comin’ to an end and it is over that razor’s edge he is goin’ to bend
About The Author: A.H. Scott is a poet based in New York City and frequent contributor to Tony Ward Studio. To read additional articles by A. H. Scott, go here: https://tonywardstudio.com/blog/h-scott-vortex-vile/