Text by Katie Kerl, Copyright 2019
Eroticism Wins
This time last year I was debating if I should take photos with Tony Ward or not. I am so happy I decided to do it! I did not listen to one person that told me it was a bad idea because of social judgment. It was one of the most freeing things I’ve done in my adult life.
I even ended up in his current photography book on two pages! There are a slew of other famous professional models in the book, as well as other impressive creative’s. That was pretty cool on its own, but getting to blog about my life with no restrictions might have saved me.
I SAVED MYSELF by writing and getting out what I was going through at the time. Being real in the things I was talking about got a lot of attention from people I have not heard from in years. Thanking me for choosing topics no one talks about, but everyone can relate to. I have Tony to thank for that. Many people call him a mentor. I absolutely see why including myself now. He lives life exactly the way he wants to despite stigma, encourages people to be free, and find that thing that gives you inner peace. Now I am lucky enough to say that about myself. I always loved to cook and be fit, that brought me confidence in the way I look, but it did not give me inner peace.
Everyone sees bloggers on vacations, free products they receive, and eating at the nicest places in the best outfits. I never thought that spilling my roller coaster of life events would touch so many people. In fact I was expecting the opposite response.
As time passed I got out a lot of things that bothered me. I cut my drinking in more than half. I was the epitome of a train wreck with everything I had dealt with in the last five years. This new hobby really made me understand once you find your PASSION destructive behavior is no longer appealing.
It also made me realize decision making sober is emotionally fucking taxing. I still have a few drinks now, but I was polishing off bottles of wine and whiskey like they were water. I was very quick to dismiss people that no longer suited me. I am more tolerant now and have learned patience. Well, more than I had before ha!
After writing about myself for the better part of the year; I turned my focus to friends who went through major life changes following their dreams. Happiness is more important to them than being in a career path they hated.
That led me to Derek Bailey. We came across each other on Instagram. When I saw what he was doing I immediately asked to interview him. Derek agreed and welcomed any positive press for his new green car innovation. That interview will be published as soon as his car gets to the U.S.
Tony will actually be taking the photo for that one. Another pretty dope thing; a famous photographer wanting to take photos for something I have written!
Derek liked my interview so much he proposed it be turned into a video podcast sponsored by his car company.
Whether or not that ends up happening the fact he is in a different realm of business, and a leader in green automotive technology was quite the compliment. He is in the business of building businesses and making people money. Maybe I have written enough to not only have this be a rewarding hobby; but possibly one day a new career path.
A year writing for Tony Ward Studio does a mind, body, and soul good.
I hope you all find the same inner peace.
Thank you for Kerling up with Kate this year!!

Katie Kerl was raised in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. She is currently living in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Katie has a background in Psychology from Drexel University. She is a manager in the commercial/residential design field . Katie can be reached on Instagram @kerlupwithkate
For collaboration e-mail: Kate.kerl32@gmail.com
To access additional articles by Katie Kerl, click here: http://tonyward.com/katie-kerl-dream-catching/