Posted on January 21, 2015 by Celina Tsu
This branding concept was targeted to market to the intellectual, beautiful, and widely talented young woman who still loves to dress up and in style. A Renaissance Woman is classic and sexy, independent and kind, and always curious about the world; she loves to socialize, but enjoys her time spent with herself just as much. For this last project, I wanted to challenge myself to convey this image of the bright Renaissance Woman without heavily relying on the use of models; the pieces themselves and the creative depictions of her interests are meant to reveal her persona to the audience on their own. I chose glistening but tasteful jewelry and dresses in vibrant colors to illustrate how she stands out stunningly in a crowd, and a nude clutch and heels to show that she can be understated as well. The choice of book titles and other colorful accessories were also carefully selected to set the scene. The name and logo that I chose for my brand were meant to be clean and simplistic, in line with the rest of the brand’s identity.
The absence of models in these images allows the audience to better envision themselves as the described Renaissance Woman who owns these pieces because we have removed the visual cue that they are being worn by someone else in the photos. Whoever sees them can process the images from a first person perspective – that these are her possessions – rather than from a third person perspective, where she is a passive onlooker.
Editor’s Note: Celina Tsu is a senior Psychology major enrolled in the College of the University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2015.