Adrian White: The Swing of Things

portrait of young woman in dance studio


Posted on March 22, 2015 by Adrian White

Kinsey has loved swing music for the longest time, but she finally got to start learning how to swing dance last summer with the Lindy and Blues Organization in Philly.  She went to as many events as she could in order to pick up the skill she’s desired to learn since the age of thirteen.  Learning any skill presents challenges, and when she started, Kinsey felt really bad about asking people to dance with her because she was not very good, and did not want to ruin their good time.  With the desire to achieve her dream in mind, Kinsey pushed past all the missteps and the frustrated partners and kept practicing.  At summer’s end, Kinsey really started to develop a sense for swing dance.


Kinsey 4-BLOG


By the time the school year rolled around, Kinsey decided to try out for UPenn’s West Philly Swingers.  After an intense tryout process, the West Philly Swingers welcomed Kinsey as one of their newbies.  With the Swingers, Kinsey found a close group of supportive people who share her love for swing dance.




Kinsey considers swing dancing to be her happy place.  She will have the privilege of choreographing a piece for the West Philly Swingers’ next show, showing how far she has come on her swing dancing journey.  She promises to always stay true to the love of swing dance.  According to her, nothing compares to the “feeling of dancing with a fantastic lead.”  Swing dance has become and invaluable part of her life, and any time she is having a bad day she can turn to swing dance to cheer her up.


Kinsey 5-BLOG


Photography and Text by Adrian White, Copyright 2015


About the Author: Adrian White is a senior Psychology major at the University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2015.

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