Colby Hastings: Night Walks

photocrati gallery


Photography and Text by Colby Hastings, Copyright 2016


Night Walks


I have been an insomniac my entire life, more acquainted than I’d like to be with the dark hours of the evening.  Often late at night I walk the streets of my neighborhood to clear my mind.  During these walks I have become fascinated by how different our world looks after the sun goes down.


At night, our vision is dramatically altered – light streams from odd angles of the streets, illuminating things we never notice during the day, and obscuring other landmarks we are used to seeing.  Reference points disappear.  Objects morph in front of our eyes, radiating strange shadows.  Shadows themselves take on lives of their own, detaching from their original casters.


Some things become clearer, more in focus, others become confused.  This shift in vision often parallels the shift in my internal emotions that emerges at night.  Thoughts that lie dormant during the day suddenly surface, illuminated in new light.  Night is a time when I can introspect, see myself from different angles.  Some parts of my personality grow in strength, and others fade, once I am separated from the routine of the day.  This collection of photographs represents my way of perceiving this nighttime world, both the external one and the internal one.


About The Author: Colby Hastings is a graduate student at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. To read more articles by Colby Hastings, go here:


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