Bob Shell: UFO Nonsense

AI illustration of a UFO landing in a desert in California
AI illustration of a UFO landing in a desert in California

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2024


UFO Nonsense


On Friday night, August 23, 2024 News Nation aired a one-hour special program about Lue Elizondo and repeated the program Sunday night. Elizondo is a former US intelligence officer who headed a top secret government program to study UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, what everyone else calls UFOs. 

In the program, Elizondo made numerous claims: UAP are real, the US government has retrieved some of them for study and reverse engineering, they’re abducting people and implanting ‘things’ in them, etc. This is all stuff students of UFOs have been studying for ages. 

This may have been news to many people, but it was old hat to those of us who have actually studied the UFO phenomenon. I first started studying UFOs in the late 1960s (yeah, I’m old!). My first paid writing gig was writing a column on UFOs for Gnostica News, a new-age publication produced by Llewellyn in the early 1970s. It was edited by P. E. I. Bonewits, author of the book ‘Real Magic.’ He gave me free rein to write what I chose. 

I’d inherited my interest in UFOs from my father, Jim Shell, a news anchor at WSLS TV in Roanoke, Virginia. He’d reported seriously on UFO phenomena in Virginia, particularly a UFO ‘flap’ in Wytheville, Virginia, that lasted for several years. After interviewing many eyewitnesses, he’d realized that something real and important was happening. 

My interest in UFOs continued for years. While living in Washington, DC, and working for the Smithsonian Institution in the late 1960s I spent time hanging around the NICAP offices (National Investigions Committee on Aerial Phenomena ), studying some some of their files and their extensive library of books about UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. I met and talked with Don Keyhoe, the Director. It is a well-known fact that the CIA infiltrated and destroyed NICAP. 

In the mid 1990s I researched the infamous Alien Autopsy film and coauthored the 1996 book ‘Beyond Roswell.’ (My name is not on the cover of the book due to contractual issues, but I am credited as coauthor inside the book. I was Editor in Chief of Shutterbug magazine at the time, the world’s largest circulation photography magazine, and was asked to keep my UFO activities sub rosa.) That book is still considered essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the UFO phenomenon and the Roswell event in 1947. My late friend Stan Friedman said it was the best book ever written about Roswell. It is out of print now, but still readily available on Amazon. 

When the book came out I was interviewed by Art Bell on Coast To Coast AM (that interview can be found on the Internet), by Ollie North on his radio show, and was flown to Paris to appear on a two-hour TV special program on TF-1, the main French TV network. I was also a speaker at UFO conferences worldwide. So I know this subject inside-out. 

My main criticism of the Elizondo program is that they didn’t do any research into the history of the phenomena they discussed. If they had, they would have known of the work of Dr. Roger Leir. In the 1990s Dr. Leir surgically removed many ‘alien implants’ from abductees. At least one was analyzed. It was metal, and the isotope ratios were not those of any metal found on Earth. It was absolutely extraterrestrial. Dr. Leir’s work and the book he wrote about it seems to have been forgotten. I knew Roger, and I believe he was an honest investigator studying a highly unusual phenomenon. 

None of Elizondo’s revelations is anything new. My only criticism is that he and the people who produced the program about him didn’t do their homework. If they had, they’d have added some historical context. Lue Elizondo appears to be just what he claims to be, an insider who believes people have a right to know what’s going on behind the scenes of secret government programs that are breaking the law by not briefing Congress on what they are doing, and what they’ve discovered. 

Angry Congressmen have demanded full disclosure, and have passed laws to force it. But, as Elizondo says, ‘religious fundamentalists’ within the Pentagon will do anything to block full disclosure. These paranoid idiots believe UFOs are made and controlled by demons. 

Jacques Vallee and Graham Hancock have pretty firmly established that the UFO phenomenon goes back beyond written history and is behind much myth, legend, and folklore. Human encounters with these ‘aliens’ probably predate modern humans. 

I had the honor of interviewing Col. Philip Corso not long before his death. Like Elizondo, his credentials were impeccable. He said that he was the man at the Pentagon entrusted with the Roswell debris, and his job was to turn it over, a little at a time, to US industries for reverse engineering. He wrote a book, ‘The Day After. Roswell,’ in which he divulged much, but he told me and other interviewers, “What crashed at Roswell was not a spaceship. It was a time machine.” Perhaps the ‘aliens’ are us from some distant future, or others from some disant past. One NASA scientist claims there is evidence of an ancient prehuman civilization. 

Whatever the truth, we deserve to know it. 

The Elizondo program was followed by a totally ridiculous program in which Dr. Michio Kaku showed his abysmal unfamiliarity with the subject and Seth Shostak, head of SETI, showed that he has his head firmly buried in the sand. His insistence that advanced alien civilizations would use radio to communicate is absurd. It’s like looking for smoke signals in outer space. As Arthur C. Clarke said, any advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic. With all due respect to Seth, I believe SETI is a waste of time and resources. The ‘aliens’ are already here.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 15th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell, click here:

Bob Shell: Nasa’s Nazis and Alternative Physics

AI illustration of Oak Ridge National Laboratory regarding an article about alternative physics
AI Illustration of Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2024


Nasa’s Nazis and Alternative Physics


A physicist friend who used to work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently sent me a truly amazing book. It’s titled ‘The Philosophers’ Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter’ by Joseph P. Farrell.

The book gets off to a very slow start, and I almost put it aside and didn’t finish reading it, but on page 99 it really takes off and gets to it’s real meat close to the end. 

Did you know that strands of DNA are superconductors at biological temperatures? From my background in biology I know that it’s been known for some time that nerve signals in animals move faster than can be accounted for by the standard models of chemical signalling across synaptic gaps, but no one had proposed a model to explain it, so the phenomenon was swept under the carpet and ignored. 

Superconduction by DNA solves the question of this phenomenon neatly. Superconduction is the movement of electrical current at maximum speed with no resistance, no production of heat. Normal superconduction occurs only at very low temperatures, and the requirement to keep the systems at these very low temperatures has limited the practical use of superconductors. 

I’d heard of the Nazi Glock (‘Bell’) device somewhere before, but knew nothing about it. Farrell has investigated it in depth. The Bell was a device with a nonconductive bell-shaped ceramic outer shell and two rotating drums inside. It was some two meters tall with a hook on top to allow it to be lifted and moved. The two drums contained small amounts of mercury. As the drums spun, the mercury spread out into a thin film on their inner surfaces. Whether the drums were concentric or one atop the other is unclear from available information. The drums rotated in opposite directions at very high speed. This created a field of some sort around the device that could be deadly to people who got too close. Dr. Huburtus Strughold, the doctor associated with the project tested it on concentration camp inmates to determine the effects on humans at various distances from the Bell. (Later he became NASA’s director of space medicine! NASA’s history is full of Nazis! From von Braun on down!) 

The device lost weight, as well when the drums were spinning. 

Ancient Indian texts describe vimenas, flying machines, using spinning rings of mercury to produce lift. Apparently the Nazi scientists were inspired by this. They were seeking new propulsion systems. 

Toward the end of the book, Farrell goes into alternate theories of physics proposed by Pascual Jordan and Burkhart Heim, two neglected physicists who have been ignored by today’s physicists because they were committed Nazis. 

In my 2019 book ‘Cosmic Dance’ I proposed quantum time. Jordan worked on quantization of spacetime! He was onto this in the 1940’s!! I though the idea was mine, sigh!

Jordan believed that the constants of physics were not fixed, as most physicists believed then, and still believe today. He theorized that those constants varied over time. He believed that the Earth’s gravity varied over time. This variation in gravity was, he believed, because the Earth’s mass had varied over time. He attributed this variation to torsion caused by the Earth’s rotation. I find this idea intriguing, because I proposed in ‘Cosmic Dance’ that the reason dinosaur footprints were all too shallow might be due to lower gravity back then. The animals weighed much less than they’d weigh today. 

Heim developed the Unified Field Theory that Einstein was unable to develop, using only six dimensions, not the twenty or more demanded by string theory. 

Heim lost his eyesight, arms, and most of his hearing as a result of one of his experiments in developing his theory. Undaunted by this, he continued working until his death many years later in 2001. 

There is a well-known photograph of Adolf Hitler leaning over to study a map as he plans the invasion of France. In the photo with him is Hermann Goring and Baron Jesco von Puttkamer, Hitler’s personal Adjutant and representative of the Kreigsmarine, the German wartime navy. 

What did Puttkamer do after the war? He worked for NASA in some unspecified job and was listed as a ‘consultant’ to Gene Roddenberry on Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation!

Anyway, I think you’d find this book as exciting and fascinating as I did. 

Farrell refers to another book that I somehow missed in my UFO research: ‘UFOs and Anti-Gravity: Piece for a Jigsaw’ by Leonard Cramp. It was published in 1966 and reprinted in 1996 and goes into Heim’s research in detail. Now that I know about this book I’ll have to get a copy. 

NASA was aware of all the Nazi research on antigravity and unusual methods of propulsion, and Paperclipped many of the Nazi scientists involved to work for them. 

If the doors of US government secrecy are ever thrown open, some very nasty stuff will come out.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 15th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell, click here:

Bob Shell: Is There a ‘Fifth” Force of Nature?

Particle accelerator in science lab
Particle accelerator illustration generated by A.I.

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2024


Is There a ‘Fifth’ Force of Nature?


For several weeks newsmedia have been reporting on the possible discovery of a ‘fifth’ force of nature. Scientists at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, sent a muon around their fifty foot accelerator donut. Muons are elementary particles with negative charges like electrons, but are much more massive. The Standard Model of nuclear physics predicts they will behave in predictable ways. Most physicists accept the Standard Model. 

When a muon is accelerated in a particle accelerator it spins like a top, and it wobbles. In more technical terms, it precesses. Think of it as like the Earth. Our planet ‘spins,’ rotates as it goes around in its orbit, and it wobbles. That wobble causes the well-known precession of the equinoxes. Similarly, the muon wobbles and precesses. Its precessions ought to be predicted by the Standard Model. Only when the Fermi scientists actually tested it in 2021, it didn’t precess as it should have. It deviated by a tiny fraction, but that tiny fraction’s implications were huge. 

Because this upset the Standard Model’s applecart, they recently did the tests again with improved precision, and the damned little muon still refused to follow the Standard Model. This is big news in physics because it shows that the Standard Model is flawed, and, at least in this case, wrong. Perhaps the whole Standard Model is wrong. 

This research could open the door to a new Standard Model which would radically reconfigure physics as a whole. Much work will have to be done to develop the new Standard Model. 

The reason this is of particular interest to me hinges on the four accepted forces of nature, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force that holds atoms together, the weak nuclear force that allows radioactive decay, and gravity. 

In a gedanken, a thought experiment as Einstein called them, I realized some years ago that this is dead wrong. 

Gravity is not a force of nature at all. It is merely an emergent phenomenon. 

An emergent phenomenon is simply a phenomenon we perceive that actually emerges from something else. A good example is heat. We perceive heat, but heat is merely an emergent phenomenon. Heat is actually molecular/atomic motion, although we do not perceive it as such. We perceive heat. 

Similarly, we perceive gravity, but what it actually is, is the effect of mass on spacetime. We are pulled toward the earth, not by an elementary force, but simply because our feet are closer to the mass of the Earth than our heads. Our heads are accelerating through spacetime faster than our feet. Black holes have near infinite ‘gravitational attraction’ because movement through the time dimension of spacetime ceases at the event horizon of a black hole. 

Saying that gravity is a fundamental force of nature is just wrong, and has always been wrong. Physicists speak of the difficulty of reconciling the ‘force’ of gravity with general relatively. There is nothing to reconcile. ‘Time dilation’ in proximity to mass is right there in front of their faces in general relatively, and has been experimentally verified. Clocks on the International Space Station run faster than identical clocks on Earth. (Somehow NASA got this backwards in one of their press releases!) 

Einstein, riding in an elevator at the Swiss patent office where he worked, had the realization that gravity was nothing more than acceleration. But he didn’t carry that realization to its natural conclusion that gravity isn’t a force at all. I suppose he was too steeped in Newtonian physics to make the leap. 

Readers of my 2019 book ‘COSMIC DANCE’ may recall that I wrote about this then. I plan to expand on this idea in the sequel I’m writing now.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 15th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell, click here:

In The Moment: The Art & Photography of Harvey Finkle

Exhibition announcement for Harvey Winkle at the Woodmere Museum of Art
Harvey Finkle at The Woodmere Museum.

In The Moment: The Art & Photography of Harvey Finkle

About the Exhibition

The work of the Philadelphia-born photographer and activist Harvey Finkle offers an intimate view of the hardships, sacrifices, and joys experienced by members of the diverse communities and political movements he has engaged with over the course of his career. In the Moment explores photography’s ability to interrogate social inequities, arouse empathy, and inspire political action. Consisting of photographs that Finkle has taken over the past half-decade, the show surveys the multiple and sophisticated ways in which his work forges meaningful connections with its audiences. Guest-curated by Antongiulio Sorgini, categorical groupings take us through Finkle’s journey, chronicling the stories that shape our collective consciousness.

Bob Shell: Cicadas

Cicada. Illustration by AI.

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2024




The TV news has been full of stories about the simultaneous emergence of two different broods of periodic cicadas. One brood emerges after thirteen years underground, and the other after seventeen years. 

My original training and occupation was as an entomologist, an insect specialist. I worked in that capacity for the Smithsonian Institution in the 1960s. Cicadas were not my main subjects of study, which were Indo-Australian butterflies and tropical beetles, but I did read a lot about all insects in my studies, including cicadas. It is interesting and puzzling that all periodic cicadas have life cycles that are prime numbers, numbers divisible only by themselves and one. There has been much speculation as to the reason for this, but no one really knows the answer. 

One piece of misinformation that I’ve heard over and over on TV is that the deafening noise male cicadas make is to attract the females. That’s nonsense. Cicadas, male and female, are deaf. The earsplitting noise is much more likely intended to fend off predators. If the females could hear, there’d be no need for such loud noises. Crickets and grasshoppers get along just fine without such volume. 

Cicadas are mostly harmless. They cannot bit or sting. It is true that female cicadas cut deep slits in branches to lay their eggs. This can damage and weaken branches so they break off in high wind or loads of snow. But it is sheer nonsense, as one TV ‘talking head’ reported that their ovipositors (egg layers) are metal! I don’t believe any living creature, at least on Earth, has metal parts, although one wasp does line its nest with a polymer, a plastic. 

If you want to know the truth about an insect, ask an entomologist, not a TV news reporter.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 15th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell, click here: