Behind The Scenes: March Cover Shoot 2024

Text by Tony Ward


BTS: Steve Feldman, Copyright 2024


I first learned about Lileet and her modeling interests when she started following me on Instagram. After looking over her IG @lileet_miriam  I followed her back. Not long after the initial contact I decided to invite her to be photographed for The Vixen’s Series. Her response was brimming with enthusiasm and eager to set up a shoot date. She mentioned that she was going to be in Philadelphia for a party with her husband on 2-24-24. I thought that was a lucky number and suggested that we figure a way to shoot on that day before she went to the party. We settled on “the lucky date” and that she would be arriving at around 10:30am for hair & Makeup and to meet with KVaughn, creative director to discuss the photographic styling  and flow of the two hour shoot.

The husband and wife of 12 years (impressive by most standards these days) took the 2 hour ride from their home in New York only to arrive a little early. I already had the coffee on and some snacks, but I didn’t expect a request for champagne.  I guess Lileet and her husband knew this would be day worth celebrating. So I ran off to the nearby state store for a couple of bottles of Corbel.  Bottles  were popped and the mood was set.  The champagne was finished by the end of the shoot. Everybody was in a good mood.  KVaughn directed  Tara through a medley of costume changes including personal items from her wardrobe like the corsets she loves to wear mixed in with some of KVaughn most eye popping fabrics. For the  grand crescendo, KV would paste on blue costume jewels over her Tara’s spectacular naked torso! That was a tough shot to frame, just kidding!!



Relaxing after the shoot. Photo: KVaughn

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