Photography and Text by Tatiana Lathion, Copyright 2020
Uncertainty/New Beginnings
This spring break has been unlike any I have experienced in the past. It was full of uncertainty and memories that I will not easily forget. The images that I have selected for this travel project display these moments sequentially.
In the beginning of my spring break I was on a lacrosse trip with my team to Virginia Beach. Little did I know, but this would be the last trip I was to have with these women. Due to the on going Covid-19 pandemic, our coach canceled all outings. However, we were able to enjoy a couple sunny beach days while we were all together.

In these images, you can see the decline in emotions as we found out our games had been canceled and this was to be our last time together, as we were being sent home to complete the rest of the semester to our designated places of origin.

I ended the series with two images. The first, the light of the sunset as it entered the house we were staying in on our last night in Virginia Beach. The second is an image of the sunset as it entered into the hallway of my apartment as I left for the airport. It is in this hallway that connected my room to my roommate’s, as has been the meeting place for our weekly laughs and story times. It is here that I leave the laughs, tears, and memories from these past two semesters. Saying goodbye is never easy especially as this image signifies the end of my on campus college experience.


I arrived back to my hometown of Ponte Vedra, FL, that Monday with tears in my eyes as my new reality began to hit me. And as the sadness subsided, I went to visit my friend, Brookie. She has been my dearest confidant since I first moved to Florida in the second grade and as we had both been sent home from college, we took this sad moment to celebrate our accomplishments.

While our college experience has taken a sharp turn, it has gifted us with an opportunity to see each other again and allowed us the chance to acknowledge our accomplishments thus far as we enter into this new phase in our lives.

The next image is the road home. The journey back home has been hard, but it is always nice to back where it all started. This road has been there for me since I first moved here when I was 7, to when I first started to learn how to drive to now. The last image depicts my new study space, or what my mom likes to call our porch. This is one of her pride and joys of our house and her sanctuary of greenery. In these days, I have adopted it as my own quiet space to catch up on work. My favorite aspect of this area is the old trunk my mom has converted into a shelf for her plants. Its old exterior is contrasted by the new growth that is placed upon it. While my travel plans, might not have necessarily gone as planned, I think it has opened up an opportunity for self-growth and reflection in these uncertain times.

About The Author: Tatiana Lathion is a senior enrolled at Haverford College majoring Political Science and Government. To access additional articles by Tatiana Lathion, click here: https://tonywardstudio.com/blog/the-man_the-basement/